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Loving North Knoxville
Into A Relationship
with Jesus !

Each Sunday Morning At 8:30 am
And 10:30 am
Our 10:30 am Service is Available Through Our Facebook Live Page And
YouTube Channel
2241 Washington Pike,
Knoxville Tennessee 37917
865 523-0603
Join Us For Sunday Worship
Sunday School For All Ages At 9:30 am

When We Meet:
Sunday Morning Schedule
8:30 am Worship In The Chapel
9:30 am Sunday School For All Ages
10:30 am Worship In The Sanctuary
Sunday Worship
Where To Park:
What Should I Wear?
We have ample parking connected to the church with easy access through the front entrance to the Sanctuary or the Education Wing down the stairs or ramp from the parking lot.
Just inside the Education Wing is an elevator for access to the Sanctuary, Sunday School rooms and Church Office.
We are comfortable around here.
Jeans, dresses or business casual, come as you are and be comfortable.

What Should I Expect For My Kids?
Kid specific programming for all ages! We have a nursery for the little ones, Sunday School for toddlers, preschool and elementary ages beginning at 9:30 am.
Our Student Ministry for Middle and High School age teenagers is at 9:30 am.
Your children are welcome in worship and we will have a special message for them during the service. Then they will be dismissed to Children’s Church for a message just for them.
Teenagers are invited to remain in worship with their family.

Adult Sunday School
Learn about God, share your love, your story and your talents with us in Adult Sunday School. Your invited to visit each class and choose the one that excites and motivates you. It’s a great way to get to know your new Church Family!
Christian Fellowship Class
Christian Fidelis Class
Epworth Forum Class
John King Class

What We Believe
Washington Pike is a United Methodist community of believers who gather to learn and grow in their faith and then scatter to find ways to show their faith in the community in our city and the world.

Select Below
What To Expect For Children
Adult Sunday School
Our Mission Statement:
We are a Christ-centered Church with Scriptural-based Worship, Outreach & Education that grows people into passionate, engaged disciples for the Kingdom of God.
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